Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tribal Dance

Last Friday Ryan performed a tribal dance with a group of guys he works with at the hopsital. Ryan was volunteered by someone else to participate so he wasn't very excited about it...but I believe he enjoyed doing it in the end. Their performance was part of the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month ceremony. They were supposed to wear lava lavas but obviously ended up with a lot less on. Luckily Ryan had some basketball shorts on underneath unlike some of the guys there...they just had their undies! They painted six packs on themselves and some other war paint. Ryan is the whitest one and he is on the very right when they line up at the beginning. :) And the part where everyone is laughing they are shaking their bums.


On my way home from walking to get the mail I found this silly snail on the sidewalk. I picked him up and decided to take him home to my sidewalk :) so I could show Cherie and Marcie and Ryan when he got home from work.

This is what happened to the poor snail when Marcie woke up from her nap and went outside...I don't think she ever even saw him. Haha It was funny but sad.